Group Tasks are a new type of task that can be actioned by any associate within their store. They provide added flexibility to enable any associates at that store to reach out to customers with time-sensitive information and respond to customers even when the associate who initiated the conversation is away.
How is this different than a Corporate Task?
A corporate task should be actioned by every associate and usually involves sending out a Shared Update to a long list of contacts in each associate’s book. Contact responses only go to the associate that sent the original email.
Any associate in the store can action a Group Task which usually involves sending out a Compose Email to very targeted contacts with a time-sensitive message (eg. new arrival of a brand they repeatedly purchase). The task is only actioned once, however, the response is visible to all other associates in the store so that they can respond if the associate who sent the original email is not in the store that day. (Note: SMS responses are not visible to other associates and should be reserved for highly preferential associate-customer relationships.)
Where can I find my store's Group Tasks?
If your retailer has enabled the Group Tasks feature, you'll see a new Store Tasks tab added to the task component of your homepage:
Access both personal & Store tasks on your Salesfloor app's homepage |
In the Store Tasks component you'll see a count of tasks as well as a list view of the first 3 group tasks.
To view all group tasks and their details, select View All. In the list view, you can filter group tasks by active, overdue, resolved, and dismissed status, as well as by the preferred task relationship:
Click on a task to view the full Task Details - note that when clicking on a task that has a reply from the customer, you'll be redirected to the Activity Log tab of the task.
Click on the “Activity Log” tab to display every action related to the group task:
Additional Information
- Group tasks that are executed as a Share an update will not display customer replies in the activity log, the replies will be sent to the associate's inbox.
- Group tasks that are executed by SMS will not display the customer reply in the activity log, the replies will appear in the associate’s text messages. We suggest that associates execute group tasks by SMS to be reserved for highly preferential associate-customer relationships.
- When a customer replies to a group task this will automatically unresolve the task and put it back in the active list with the green reply indicator (email only).
- Only the first resolve or dismiss action is counted in the KPIs.