As consumers seamlessly navigate between virtual Storefronts and physical aisles, the influence of online interactions on in-store purchasing decisions has emerged as a pivotal factor shaping retail success.
If active for your program, Salesfloor provides Corporate Admin (level 4) users with access to our CI Attribution report, available in the Backoffice. The CI Attribution report uses our research-online-purchase-offline (ROPO) analytics to help you determine which types of online interactions resulted in in-store sales based on your CI data.
Where can I find it?
What will I see in the report?
The report itself contains the following data:
- Transaction Date: The date the in-store transaction occurred
- Transaction ID: The ID of the in-store transaction
- Transaction Total Amount: The in-store transaction total in dollars ($)
- Transaction Store ID: The ID of the store where the transaction occurred
- Transaction Store Name: The name of the store where the transaction ocurred
- Transaction Employee ID: The ID of the employee credited with the in-store sale
- Customer Email: The email of the customer who made the purchase
- Customer Phone: The phone number of the customer who made the purchase
- Attribution Date: When the attributing online interaction occurred
- Attribution Type: How the online interaction occurred
- SF Attributed Store: The store attributed to the online interaction